Jerry Lehr's Websites Entryway...

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Real, professional, serious physical album with booklet coming early 2025. I will be recording this whole year
I gotta know how people do this whole emulated windows thing on websites :o
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jlehr 5 months ago

Nice! Thanks

1 like I am sure there are errors. Editing will happen soon
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Old cassettes, after the warlock section, are all coming soon. It'll take a couple to a few weeks to rip them all. These are from age 8 to 12 and actually kind of funny. It reminds me of the kid version (still demented though) of old beck demos
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Project Warlock section updated, and almost complete! I just need to add a shit ton of review links and tell my story
nsp 5 months ago

Heck yea you do, really am looking forward to reading that one!

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jlehr 5 months ago

As soon as possible but this work week has been pretty full of hours. Today is a holiday so it may get cut short I hope

jlehr 5 months ago

Update: I wrote two notebook pages so far and feel like Iโ€™m not even at the real start of the story. If todays workday is only four hours at the post office as I am hoping Iโ€™ll have this shit done tonight and typed out/uploaded

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nsp 5 months ago

No pressure, no rush. Behind the scenes, direct from the source, that is exciting.

jlehr 5 months ago

It's up now. It's not all I will have but I don't have any of the photos of things I wanted to showcase yet. Everyone in my house is asleep, so there's no chance I can snap shots of the bedroom shadowbox or source data box, but I will

jlehr 5 months ago

The page frame might need refreshed

jlehr 5 months ago

oh, the notebook scans are coming next, just not tonight lol. I need rest

jlehr 5 months ago

Itโ€™s a draft though that my wife will soon edit

I'm assuming that enter link I kept clicking doesn't do anything yet ;)
mooface 5 months ago

OH YEAH i've been so lazy on my website so it doesnt work yet. i was going to make a custom enter button but... alas... the brain does not do html right now -yuna

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UNEXPECTED OFFDAY!!!! I'll be working further on the music archive section of my website ALL DAY
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jlehr 5 months ago

Possibly Project Warlock, finally

jlehr 5 months ago

or sleep catch-up

Site's back and uploaded as it was last week, now to ... update this whole year until everything I wish to be done is in fact done
jlehr 5 months ago

There is a brand new introductionary page

If you are ever using Godaddy's hosting services with a domain, DO NOT do on FileZilla. I'm not sure if its everyone or just a few but you have to put the server's IP as the ftp domain. It's weird. They've told me this years ago as well and I'm not sure what the circumstances were but it works now
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pnnamerica 5 months ago

I paid crypto to use an anonymous 3rd party service for my domain name. It costed a lot but whatever. Sucks having to do that sort of stuff for my show. But I guess it is that spicy.

It's back and slowly uploading today

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 18, 2019
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