
6,634 updates
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just wanna say i really enjoy the featured figure and featured plushie section of your home page <3 sooo cute and fun! :3 cant wait to see what else youll add there
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Thank you guys so much for 100 followers i cant believe it was like 2 weeks ago when i hit 75 (o´▽`o) everyone here is so kind and cool. i promise i will get back to updating more regularly once im done moving *sigh* BUT I CANT BELIEVE 100 PEOPLE LIKE MY SITE!!!
candiesheart 15 hours ago


makoenergy 11 hours ago

CONGRATSSSS u deserve every single one

i love ur layout!! and the pixely font u use.. ALSO YAYAY CLOUD STRFIE FLIP PHONE!!
finalfantasyix 12 hours ago

yay thank you!!! cloud strife flip phone will always be famous to me

OMG ur site is TO DIE FOR!!!! i am in love w how it looks... I ALSO LOVE DOKO DEMO ISSYO!!1 toro inoue my beloeved...
burgeritchi 15 hours ago

also i saw u added my button \(≧▽≦)/ tysm i will add urs back asap (when i code that part..)

ur website is so cool woah ヽ(°〇°)ノ
geegtard 2 days ago

Thank you <3

1 like
I LOVE UR WEBSITE SO MUCH!!! its so cute and pretty
maphren 2 days ago

THANK U i love urs too!!! it has such a cosy sunny vibe like getting burgers with friends on a summer evening c:

1 like
burgeritchi 2 days ago

AAAAHHHH Hthats so nice, one of my favorite things to do!!!! thank you so much( ´ ▽ ` )

1 like
all of ur site is so sick!!!!
1 like
whirlwind 3 days ago

thank you so much!! your site is very cute, theres so much to look at! (plus it makes me hungry)

1 like
WOOAAHHH i love ur site.. its so Bubbly feeling, tysm for following me!!
1 like
ephemeralstar 3 days ago

TY!! so happy to hear it's bubbly :]

ur site is so cute!!!! i love all the graphics!!!!!
1 like
touhouproject 10 hours ago

Thnak youuu🥹🥹!!!! Yours is super cute too

burgeritchi 4 days ago

YAYAYEHEHEHEHEE TYSM. i’m trying to take over one neocities page at a time..

1 like

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 23, 2022
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videogames personal 2000s anime collection