the homepage of monar

197 updates
0 tips
this person is literally me but from 3 years ago. how monabased.
hey hope you are well. if you ever come back i wanna hear about how you use two antenna to cancel out noise!!
Nice website!
danmu 3 years ago

Thank you!! I really enjoy yours, hardware dev looks fun.

Hi! A little while ago, we exhanged buttons on our sites. I'm finally back to work on this project, but I wanted to let you know that I'm in the process of moving from to I'm not sure if you want to exclusively affiliate with neocities sites or not, but if you're still interested in keeping my button, please consider switching the link. :)
monar 4 years ago

Hope you've been well, I love checking our your website.

sacredchoral 3 years ago

Oh man so sorry for not seeing this earlier! When I update my site ill update your link! :00

love your radio content
geouniversal 4 years ago

i'm writing my ham test saturday!

1 like
monar 4 years ago

hooray!! good luck!

geouniversal 4 years ago

weooo ima ham

Never actually knew you make such great art!!!
Cool vibes ~
corrxpted 4 years ago is a very strange website. So strange to know that's one of the first webiste you explored. How did you even found it ?

monar 4 years ago

Thank you for stopping by! Your site's amazing too. I have some updates on the horizon, so hopefully I'll have those up soon.

monar 4 years ago

As for, I don't remember how I discovered it because it was so long ago now but I'm assuming I searched "AIBO" on the web and found it that way. It used to be a very relevant search result for that particular robot.

ok ok fr idk how i haven't found your site. I know you commented on mine a while back but im only just now searching your name and finding you!! i love the aesthetic. def will be adding your button!
monar 4 years ago

Wow, thank you for the super nice comment! I'm so happy you've added my button to your site-- I'm definetly going to add yours to mine as well as soon as I get my next update up. :) Have a great day.

Your art is really cool!
1 like
soulbox 4 years ago

Thank you! I got to update my art page. xD

monar 4 years ago

I came out.

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Website Stats

Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedJan 21, 2017
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radio robotics linux blog art