Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard

644 updates
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I see that you got 121 followers! musician Judy Collins will be proud of you!
ur site is so prettay :D i absolutely LUV it!1!1!1! here's a button 4 u :)
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empeethree 1 year ago

that is so RAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖 should I give you credit for suggesting that?

I know I go a long time without updating my site, but I just have so much on the mind! So I figure, might as well suprise users with a special update if an idea pops up! Suzanne, and her other friend also named Suzanne, are the entertainment rolesupermodels to bring glamor to Neocities!
next step, make 88x31 buttons for your site. I welcome you to Neocities, I hope you have fun!
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cepheus 1 year ago

thank you :)

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just thought I'd say hi to other Neocitizens!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT 121 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!! 121 is HEXADECIMAL for 289, and Suzanne Somers' birthday is October 16th, the 289th day of the year!
empeethree 1 year ago

Now, I got 122 SUBSCRIBERS! I so need to make a Suzanne number line webpage for my site.

Thanks for the follow!
1 like
empeethree 1 year ago

its a pleasure

1 like
welcome to Neocities! I can give a few tips on how to edit your page, first of all, you should find some awesome background image for your site, then add some 88x31 buttons to make it rad!
1 like
I loved how there was a floating IBM PC in this. I see so much nostalgia in computers made before the Windows Vista era!
1 like
melonking 1 year ago

It floats because of love :^S

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 8, 2018
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humor fun supermodels awesome internet