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is my preview index window still showing a broken image to represent my site? There's been a working image there for over 24 hours now! wtf
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geouniversal 2 years ago

yup, preview is broke but works on entering the page itself

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I'm starting to get where I'm so bored at night when my wife and kids are asleep that I literally made a coin toss game on this site with dos characters as trees. See for yourself. Man. What I wouldn't give for a life. In my defense it was nighttime.
Contrary to my liking, the funny music page has returned ;) I know some liked that nonsense and sometimes raunchy ridiculous shit.
So is there a way to not have to have the user refresh each return visit in case of changes? Like an auto-refresher? I use the no cache code but it doesn't always seem to work.
geouniversal 2 years ago

i feel like if you changed the name of the css file each time you make changes it would have to reload? kinda of a janky work around but should work? maybe just add a time stamp to your css. i just woke up i apologize if this is a weird suggestion

jlehr 2 years ago

No apologies necessary, I just need to learn CSS finally after all these years, because as you might notice, I don't even use it :P

jlehr 2 years ago

Maybe I'll pick up basic CSS in order to do timestamps or something. I honestly am desperate for any fix lol

My site may appear broken for the next hour while I reupload literally all the new parts that aren't on the root (with the broken images on index and index2)
The Abandoned Websites are Complete, Archiving Website Number 1 (2000) to Website Number 63 (2021) ;) Just hover the 'SITES' button and click 'OLDER' Enjoy!
DYBBUK81 was updated.
2 years ago
Thank you kindly for the follow!
DYBBUK81 was updated.
2 years ago
jlehr 2 years ago

START -> PAGES and MUSIC -> PLANS have now been added. Soon SITES -> OLDER

Damn, you're literally good at EVERYTHING!
indigotrance 2 years ago

Thank you so much for the kind comment.

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Last updated 37 minutes ago
CreatedJan 18, 2019
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music doom videogame mario games