Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard

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I noticed something, the last person to make a comment on 123guestbook before that service shut down, has Durant as a last name, as the name the user signed under. This seems intriguing because there's also a guy named William C. Durant who founded car company General Motors. More will be explained in a comment I'll make below this one.
empeethree 5 months ago

anyway, my reason for bringing up General Motors, or GM as it's also known under, is because they acquired a car company called Chevrolet long long ago, and well, the founder, Louis Chevrolet had a wife named Suzanne, so this somehow contributes to the synchronicity. And not to mention, Cadillac is also part of GM, and its named after a historical figure who passed away on Suzanne Somers' birthday.

empeethree 5 months ago

It really caught me off-guard when I noticed so many coincidental things, and all this Suzanne synchronicity even stretches into masculine things like cars, even though it's traditionally a women's first name. So, that's a testament to how it CARRES LOTS OF WEIGHT. when any references to it pop up.


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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJun 8, 2018
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