cabbage sorter

2,344 updates
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cabbage sorter was updated.
1 year ago
cabbage sorter was updated.
1 year ago
beaujean 1 year ago

Dobar review! Did you read "Crying in H Mart"? It's a memoir by Korean-American musician Michelle Zauner, and it could be interesting to you.

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cabbagesorter 1 year ago

Hvala!! I haven't read it no, but I'll add it to my ereader now >:) sounds right up my alley

Hello Cabbage! Nice website, really enjoying reading your diary, book reviews and video games page. :) Do you play Nintendo Switch? Do you have some games to reccommend ?
cabbagesorter 1 year ago

Hi!! Thanks so much, I enjoyed reading your site a ton too, especially your books and gardening section. Sadly I don't have a switch ;_; I mostly stick to PC these days... Also I really enjoyed your librarian page, it's a job I'm very interested in because it's related to my degree!! Took some bibliotekarstvo related courses at my uni :))

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beaujean 1 year ago

Hi Cabbage! You should totally become a librarian! Knjige su super! And the people are nice too :)

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cabbage sorter was updated.
1 year ago
cabbage sorter was updated.
1 year ago
nenrikido 1 year ago

On Firefox at least it has an issue of not scrolling now, but if you add overflow: scroll; to the .page-about element I think it'd be fixed

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cabbagesorter 1 year ago

ok yeah i finally did it, didnt have time yesterday, hope this solves the issue once and for allllll

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You need to do add .page-about { display: block; } That top of that div is hiding behind the header.
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cabbagesorter 1 year ago

Thanks for telling me, funny thing; it's been a year since I did this layout and for the first time ever I got two messages about this mistake in the same day... wtfff

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cabbage sorter was updated.
1 year ago
cabbage sorter was updated.
1 year ago
cabbage sorter was updated.
1 year ago
cabbage sorter was updated.
1 year ago

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