
833 updates
0 tips
Added some more tracks to my music player and a few small adjustments, getting back into coding again after a 9 months break!
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Is there any way I can see who has my badge linked on their site?
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astrossoundhell 1 month ago

Realistically, only by roaming around and looking. Theoretically, you could make a webcrawler with that single purpose, and that's exactly what to not do if we want neocities to live and prosper :D

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ita 1 month ago

maybe using a backlink checker?

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Your site is so beautiful and inspiring i love it!!!
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waaaah, your site is so pretty~! love the colours of it and the whole vibe is so nostalgic :3
oof its so unique it puts my site to shame
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2003horlenave 7 months ago

no yours are really good, i love it :D

this is literally the most unique site i have ever seen???? you are SOO creative and talented oh my god. unfortunately not everything is loading for me :,) but i still love it so much what????? the music player is so cool, the entire theme and colourfulness of the site,, youre amazing!!! it feels so comfortable yet so irritating and nostalgic at the same time, like an old time that was so much fun but you'd
mypillowfort 7 months ago

-never wish to go back to. (IN A GOOD WAY HELP)

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mypillowfort 7 months ago

i literally cant get over how magical and amazing your site is my eyes are literally so blessed

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syntheticfruits 7 months ago

thank you so much for your kind words :') this really cheered me up! I totally know what you mean. I was partly inspired by kids sites from the early 2000s. I used to spend hours on the Barbie, My Scene and Polly Pocket sites playing games and clicking around. Neopets was a bit more involved but I loved that and Habbo later which I think sparked my interest for pixel art.

syntheticfruits 7 months ago

also sorry about not everything loading :( I need to go through my files and shrink a bunch of images, hopefully that should help :)

mypillowfort 7 months ago

nono i think the files not loading part was a problem on my part it worked like a minute after i typed it XD

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sorry for no updates folks, stuff is hard right now. work is stressful and my hands are so sore on my days off. I have a couple of weeks off over Christmas so I should get some rest then :)
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If only I had discovered site building when I was unemployed.....

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedNov 1, 2022
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graphics aesthetics pixels personal oldweb