cabbage sorter

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vivarism 10 months ago

It really is painful to imagine the "normal" men around you unleashing vitriolic misogyny online... It's that whole thing, right? About never being sure who you can trust? In any case it can be very angering and it sucks that you haven't found a welcoming place to discuss your country's current events, especially when male violence is on the rise and women need more support.

vivarism 10 months ago

But no! As usual we get sidelined for dick havers and genderspecials... (btw "begendered people" made me laugh a lot) I'm glad you can talk about it here in your diary at least. I felt better, too, reading that you felt good getting it off your chest.

22yk01 10 months ago

same thing here, i refused to check my country's subreddits (or forums in general) because we're having the same crisis, we hear these news multiple times a week and it gets more harrowing than this, politicians push victim blaming to the point that they made international/extra-european news. no matter the political stance, no one is siding with us or the victims.

shakerbox 11 months ago

I laughed so hard at the pornbrained animecore zoomers part. It's so widespread I've given up on other anime-watchers my age since high school, I guess I'm an NLOZ in that sense. I can't wait for us to grow out of it too!

cabbagesorter 11 months ago

NLOZs rise up 😔✊

vivarism 11 months ago

Seems your love of dress up/avatar games started young! And it's so wild to think of you as a FunnyJunk native, but somehow it also makes sense?? Lol. And I'm wondering, which site would you say taught you the most English?

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cabbagesorter 11 months ago

God this will be embarrassing, but it was a combo of stardoll and /r9k/ pre-deletion, when it was a greentext OC board. Kind of wild I went to both of these simultaneously when I think about it. I really loved making americas next top model type of competitions on stardoll, and I really liked reading anons embarrassing childhood stories

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vivarism 11 months ago

so excited for your index of nostalgic sites!!!!

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shakerbox 11 months ago

are you still on gaiaonline? the inflation thing got a lot better if you want to give it a 2nd go 👀👀

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cabbagesorter 11 months ago

I do have an account, but I'm too lazy to get into it properly ;_; my main focus is still on everskies, gsm and bimboland lmao i might give it a try sometime though

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vivarism 11 months ago

COIN LOCKER BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my recommendation! I agree, the plot is a bit sloppy in some places, and it's definitely the type of story you can't read when you're not in the mood, though it sounds like you enjoyed it overall. Srsly thanks again for reading it and posting your review. I'm always excited to hear your thoughts about different books

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cabbagesorter 11 months ago

Nooo thank you for the rec because it was completely up my alley!! It's one of those books that had my heart racing for most of the time I was reading it, really good shit.

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beaujean 11 months ago

Just came back from my summer vacations also! Sibenik je prekrasan! <3 Hope the burns pass quick!

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cabbagesorter 11 months ago

Ohhh šibenik!! My dad's favourite town, it really is beautiful... I was in Tkon! Mali grad na Pašmanu, really comfy place. Thanks, today I spent most of my day cleaning the flakes from my scalp ;__;

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