my root folder or whatever its called is now filled with many many many many many many many folders instead of slightly less folders and a bajillion random files
is this a step up? im not sure, but my urls and file paths look a bit neater now so i cant complain...
the name of my site comes from the final lyrics to Can Your Hear Me, by david bowie. currently ive just been updating the drawing sections of my site
1) its my nickname with 1 more 'O'. 2) Portfolio/shrine/music page! bonus answer) what @niicespiice said
i found the name on pinterest, i thought it was cute but it apparently means a stomachache.. also im trying to work on the index 💔
took this oportunity to re-do the blog page which is now back up! instead of entries being divided into 3 larger categories, all entries are combined into one list and you can then choose to filter by category AND/OR search manually for words in the titles + descriptions which i think is *pretty* cool. aside from that i'm planning to make some more aesthetic changes soon and then it should be up and running as normal