
1,952 updates
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I would like to try to update again more regularly... This only took me a few hours to update today without much of a plan going in (but I did have a lot of the materials gathered, so that cut down time a lot)... Maybe I can make the time more often for smaller project pieces.
It's been about a yr since I last updated the site! Yikes... Sorry! I decided to update my pets page because since my last update our sweet boy Takkun passed from a long battle with cancer. I made a memorial page for my babies that have passed. I also added our new addition, Cricket, to the Kitty in My Pocket cards.
petdiary 2 weeks ago

You can view the "my pets" page here:

petdiary 2 weeks ago

And you can view the memorial page here:

petdiary 2 weeks ago

Outside of the frames of course... You can view them as intended by clicking the about page > my pets > scroll to heart image for memorial

tsubakiroom 2 weeks ago

Takkun??? That's such a cute name... I'm so sorry to hear that!

shnu-world 2 weeks ago

so sorry to hear of the passing of Takkun <3

Your clickable room is soooooo cute
I'm so curious about your gif-y images. How do you make them?
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barndoors 2 weeks ago

sorry I love stalking activity. I think you’re talking about “image dithering”. There are tools online and tutorials to help recreate in ps or gimp

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princss 2 weeks ago

in photoshop you can "dither" your image by clicking image > mode > indexed colors. my settings are palette: local (selective), colors: 216, forced: web, and dither: pattern.

Thank you for following! Your website is ADORABLE!! It actually looks so much like an old fc2/sozai blog I really thought it was visiting from another link XD Your favorites are really cool too!! (I'm writing while wearing my own Cowboy Bebop shirt XD) Seeing your old photos and interests reminds me so much of my older cousin who's around your age, so thank you for following!!
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amari-ga-shin-da 1 month ago

P.S. Cardcaptor Sakura fans unite :]

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petdiary 2 weeks ago

What a sweet and thoughtful comment, thank you!! :3

Also, it's been 6 months since I updated my page! Hello again. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ I have had a lot going on the past 6 months.
Updated my "art" page to reflect my current collection. It's such a pain trying to link to all of my art online because I don't have it very well organized and I hardly ever post art on anything other than socials these days. Maybe one day I'll organize my stuff better so that it's cleaner to view on my site.
neat layout, I love ur photography!
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Now you can watch TV (! But be careful... Some of the channels are a little creepy...
petdiary 1 year ago

Best viewed within my frames

beeep 1 year ago

Wow..I am obsessed with this, such a cute idea!!!

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Thanks for following! Your Hobonichis are so cute! I hope you like the Jibun Techo. I've stuck with the Hobonichi Cousin for years, so I'm curious to see how you like it! :)
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petdiary 1 year ago

Thank you!! I am so excited to start using it! :-D I'm so devoted to the Hobonichi though, I can't see myself ever straying too long lol

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMar 6, 2023
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stationery art photography blogging personal