Tsubaki's Room!

5,258 updates
0 tips
when do you think part 2 of the story will come out?
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94673 1 week ago

Well I’ve done a few of the drawings for it already, basically just depends on when I have time now. Busy rn with stuff like Artfight

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tsubakiroom 1 week ago

you're doing artfight too?! what's your @??

i like your art, it's very pretty!
1 like
catsoupery 3 days ago

wahhh thank you!!! i really appreciate it T_T

wow, what a cool website!! we've got similar tastes in music
wanna be friends? love ur site and i fw stuff you like. u seem very cool :D
1 like
tsubakiroom 2 weeks ago

sure!! I’ll add your button to my site later tonight <3 and thank you .. I like your website too! It’s very pretty :3

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bubububu YOU FOLLOWED ME1!! thank you... >.<
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aint no way you paid to be a supporter JUST to steal nyaa's layout
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KYAA thank you for following me!!
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tsubakiroom 2 weeks ago

oh!! i wanna link to your site via button but the code on your page links back to sadgrl :( am i being goofy?

hightide3ra 2 weeks ago

you're welcome for the follow! i didn't notice that, actually. i'll fix it quickly.

1 like
thanks for following me <3
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 18, 2024
Site Traffic Stats


art videogames anime poetry dreams