Tsubaki's Room!

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Heads up: The moon image always blocks at least one of the menu items from being able to be clicked on no matter the size of my browser window. or maybe that was an artistic decision, in which case i respect and admire that!
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tsubakiroom 2 weeks ago

GAH!! it's like that for me when i'm on 100% zoom, i'll get that sorted, thank you so very much!!

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napreviewz 2 weeks ago

Ah gotcha, my browser is always on at least 100% because my eyesight is hilariously bad at best

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tsubakiroom 2 weeks ago

yeah this is an issue i'm gonna sort out, in the meantime everyone else can you please zoom out to 80%? im so sorry

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this is such a cute n based website. thanks for following!
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napreviewz 2 weeks ago

Thank YOU for following and for the kind words!

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hello! would you be happy to share how you got the Scrith dress-up game running? if not it's totally fine! it's just so cool! thank you :)
1 like
holy NUTBALLS what a stylish website! hugeee props!
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 18, 2024
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art videogames anime poetry dreams