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runjumpreviews 9 months ago

Right!?! Logically I can understand that being told "you should sell this!" is a compliment but the idea of selling the things I make would take all the fun out of making them, not to mention devaluing the time they took to make

amivicky 9 months ago

A lot of people I know are getting rampaged by bugs this year. Extreme weather temps bring them inside unfortunately :/ Also my mom does the same thing with me! I'll send her a picture I drew and she'll be like, "Ooh this would make a great card design!" She's alway thinking about how to make money, I hate it lmao. Good luck with your interview!

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vivarism 9 months ago

Just putting it out there.. but if you cant find any insects, could they actually be bedbugs? I've been getting harassed by mosquitoes lately and it's no fun. The thought of you suffering even worse every night, with no known cause, is just terrible to me. Hopefully it wont mess with your interview though! You got this!!!

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hardmachine 9 months ago

I replaced everything in my bed when I rearranged my room, this house has a bug problem since moving in 😭

sakana 9 months ago

Gotta feel bad seeing teens online yearning for art careers when they get older. Insanely oversatured field, continually devalued by the progression of generative AI and jealously kept by those already in-industry (same roster of LA-based boarders/designers/animators etc on every production and everything else outsourced to Korea). Cases where people break through the noise with indie projects like vivziepop are >

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sakana 9 months ago

< literally one in a million. If you do art at all, you gotta figure out a way to just do it for your own self-satisfaction, nothing else. I have 20 followers on Tumblr and anything I put there accumulates like, 2 notes if I'm lucky. It totally has to be for its own sake. I hope you feel like making something again someday and when you do, it'll be like "well, that was nice".

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hardmachine 9 months ago

Not to be a hater but Vivzie was a nepo baby, that's why her dA Tumblr cartoon got off the ground and had actual skill on board... It's unfair but this is how it is.

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hardmachine 9 months ago

Please clap: I was adjusting these pages for typos/minor formatting errors, but on the Klonoa page I was finally able to see images in VSC by making the filepaths "../img/[file]". (I didn't work when I did that the first time, but does now. Ok...)

hardmachine 9 months ago

...It worked earlier today, but broke now! AAAAA

mrszenigata 9 months ago

Your blending skills are amazing!

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hardmachine 9 months ago

That's super old art but thank you!!! I've spent a long time honing my digital skills.

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How many of yall have an Artfight... Every year I consider joining in for friends/acquaintences, but never do it. 😭
lizonline 9 months ago

I joined Artfight this year!

sephiria 9 months ago

i will be doing it this year! it would be fun to have you there

hardmachine 9 months ago

Will this month get a rune? I hope so, but I've had such little energy last week... T_T

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TIL that every site on here has an RSS feed of your updates even if you didn't make one. That's a huge relief for keeping track of sites with a turned off profile...
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vivarism 9 months ago

WHAT RLY?! How do you access it??? I dont want to maintain my own feed... I'd rather make Mr. Neocities earn his keep

hardmachine 9 months ago[SITENAME].rss ... It's only for your activity feed updates and only links to that, but it's good enough for me. (For now)

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engelsbeginn 9 months ago

Wow this is much easier than doing it manually. Thank you!

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yourdevilfriends 9 months ago

Completely agree with the whole «egg» thing. It's alright when speaking about oneself, but applying it to others is pretty weird.

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hardmachine 9 months ago

When the guy in question literally became alt-right a few years ago it made me REALLY mad by how tonedeaf it was... "Republicans are in the closet" 2.0.

sakana 9 months ago

Most recent journal is 100% correct on every front.

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sakana 9 months ago

I also JUST realized the "back to top" button on your journal is the Wild World Static gif I made some years ago, I'm immensely happy to see people using him.

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hardmachine 9 months ago

I am trying so hard to telepathically beam the comic's name into people's heads instead of outright posting... (Also omg I had no idea! I think I found him on Tumblr years back )

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strawberryreverie 9 months ago

capy WILL prevail, that's right!!


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