Edael on <ReDeviated>

3,770 updates
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Me update: Hi, long time... again... again, hahahahaaaaa. Sorry, I've just been very busy, I'm now part of staff on this cool art website,, as well as I've been working on some projects, one namely being an archival project from some deviantart groups. sorry I've been inactive, just know I am alive ^^;
redeviated-edael-tb 10 months ago

I've been learning Nuxt and Vue, it's really neat and I plan to do some stuff with it, maybe not with redeviated, maybe I will, idk

redeviated-edael-tb 10 months ago

Oh, I can't see who liked, Kyle fix please

superkirbylover 7 months ago

oh hey, congrats!! i'm not staff but i'm on sheezy too :]

Oh, I missed 30 followers... now 31 :U, well, howdy... Sorry I've not been active, I've been dealing with irl and also another large update so, sorry again ^^;
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Just been adding in robot.txt and sitemap.xml
I wake from the grave, time to start updating again
redeviated-edael-tb 1 year ago

Ahh shit, here we go again...

I feel like my lack of updates made on neos has killed growth, since I started using localhost to test and push out more stable updates...
redeviated-edael-tb 1 year ago

Maybe my page is just bland and boring compared to most other crazy sites here...

visitblueplanet 1 year ago

your page is far from boring, its full of cool and interesting stuff and also super cool interface...I keep visiting it from time to time to look at it

1 like
Question, what would you like to see more of from my page? Just out of curiosity...
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tsukinio 1 year ago

mostly your articles or other unfinished pages

This update has been brewing for a while, it's drained me, burnt out once in the middle and now I plan to take another break, for as much as I like doing this, I've been wanting to play a game, it's been weeks, either that or just try and actually draw, you know, for the art themed dA like page??? I'm tired...
redeviated-edael-tb 1 year ago

Might add more of my preexisting art to the gallery, and who knows, maybe I'll share the stuff I made in my teen years that I hate, and you can laugh at me...

SITE UPDATE, PLEASE STANDBY FOR BUG FIXES, please check the journal widget for update log
Update Status: The gallery is going great! I've finally managed to make a folder system that is compatible with pagination! I've still got a long ways to go, I didn't expect the gallery to take so long, but it's been a learning experience and lots of coding, erasing, coding, erasing, over and over, lots just to make the system modular and easily able to be edited and added onto.
redeviated-edael-tb 1 year ago

Once I finish and polish the gallery and the actual page my art will be contained on, I will release it to neos! It will be amazing, something I've not seen anyone else on the site do, least not with a gallery.


Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedSep 24, 2022
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art redeviated personal pokemon deviantart