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Hey there! Thank you for the follow!
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hardmachine 1 month ago

You're welcome! I like the idea of your blog so I followed.

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hardmachine 1 month ago

I have a review in progress for this month, but I got burnt out and it'll be done later than today.

hardmachine 1 month ago

I added a "new" (old) drawing, by the way.

Groundhog day rules because once a year everyone pretends to care about what some fat rodent thinks, and then goes about their life.
hardmachine 1 month ago

The other day of the year that happens is my birthday!

fabled 1 month ago

Hey... Phil's under a HUGE amount of pressure every year. He didn't want to be the Chosen One, having to predict the weather in the weird human ceremonies. I will always stand up for Punxsutawney Phil for handling things so well. I can DEFINITELY say I would not perform as well as him as a forecaster.

hardmachine 1 month ago

I respect him but I think he leans too hard on his family's legacy as an excuse to slack. Dude has been wrong so many times but still gets to have a silly ceremony about it...

hardmachine 2 months ago

Hard refresh the fanart page, I updated an image.

hardmachine 2 months ago

I have a review 70% done, but I'm stuck near the end :(

1 like
Oh dear... What's going on with things not loading 😭
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hardmachine 2 months ago

I don't really like this new one, but I spent a whole evening writing it up and it was on my to-do list anyway.

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daughterofbilitis 2 months ago

oh, the whole story about doobl was interesting. it was pretty obvious it was fake, everything was happening too quickly, but a decent little meta story, nonetheless. i’m sad that the modern era is too cynical to truly enjoy stuff like this or ‘hogwarts school of prayer and miracles’ anymore…

hardmachine 2 months ago

I've thought about what a modern version of a "fictional creator breakdown" would be like but it wouldn't work unless someone was a really, really dedicated troll and tried to make an online presence and fake something to get called out for, etc. It really was a product of its time...


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CreatedApr 2, 2022
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