I have a review in progress for this month, but I got burnt out and it'll be done later than today.
Hey... Phil's under a HUGE amount of pressure every year. He didn't want to be the Chosen One, having to predict the weather in the weird human ceremonies. I will always stand up for Punxsutawney Phil for handling things so well. I can DEFINITELY say I would not perform as well as him as a forecaster.
I respect him but I think he leans too hard on his family's legacy as an excuse to slack. Dude has been wrong so many times but still gets to have a silly ceremony about it...
I don't really like this new one, but I spent a whole evening writing it up and it was on my to-do list anyway.
oh, the whole story about doobl was interesting. it was pretty obvious it was fake, everything was happening too quickly, but a decent little meta story, nonetheless. i’m sad that the modern era is too cynical to truly enjoy stuff like this or ‘hogwarts school of prayer and miracles’ anymore…
I've thought about what a modern version of a "fictional creator breakdown" would be like but it wouldn't work unless someone was a really, really dedicated troll and tried to make an online presence and fake something to get called out for, etc. It really was a product of its time...
Main focus of this update: https://hardmachine.neocities.org/runes/missionhill.html