lovesick ♡

17,526 updates
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lovesick ♡ was updated.
1 week ago
lovesick ♡ was updated.
2 weeks ago
lovesick ♡ was updated.
1 month ago
loves1ck 1 month ago

some new stuff in /oldwebgfx and some doodles in /art. not a big update (;´д`)ゞ

lovesick ♡ was updated.
1 month ago
ophanimkei 1 month ago

so many.. so beautiful

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vivarism 1 month ago

Oh it's so great to meet Narcissa!! The OCs that we hold onto for years and years are always so special <3 I can't wait to hear more about her and Milky and their other friends. They must get up to some really funny antics... a slice of life with all your OCs would be perfect! I'd buy every volume from my local comic store heheh

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strawberryreverie 1 month ago

i'm already in love with narcissa... she's so cute!! i hope her kansai accent still jumps out whenever she lets it slip up, maybe by accident... and i love seeing your figure/collection updates as always!! take lots of pictures of leon when he comes in! a shame about the collection weeding but it has to be done.

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loves1ck 1 month ago

@flonne, aw thanks so much for always taking a peek at my silly site updates T_T ♥ one day i will draw little comics about my ocs....(but lets be real, probably not!!! 😭LOL)

loves1ck 1 month ago

@arachne hehe thank you!!! you know i love my cute girls..i will definitely take pictures of leon when he arrives! im just hoping that having him in my hands wont spark me going into a leon merch buying spree @_@

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lovesick ♡ was updated.
2 months ago
loves1ck 2 months ago

new page: angel numbers! there are little angel number adopts available there, too. also added *351* new bgs to /oldwebgfx, and 2 bgs to /sozai ^_^

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maplebear 2 months ago

adopted my favourite angel number! <3 it's so cute, thank u! (it's on my homepage and it links back to your site~)

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loves1ck 2 months ago

@maple aw thank you! that makes me so happy!!

pomelo 2 months ago

i'm adopting my angel number too! thank you so much for making this, its such a cute idea

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loves1ck 2 months ago

@pom yay! thank you for adopting!! ♥

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ophanimkei 2 months ago

can’t wait to adopt when i’m back in the states :3

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comfort 2 months ago

soooo cute !!! can't wait to adopt mine <3

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snowibunni 2 months ago

Your bg collection has been extremely helpful for me trying to make pages lately. There's even a genuine snowbunny in there. Thank you deeply for your effort ♡

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inkcaps 2 months ago

You come up with the cutest ideas!! I just adopted the angel number that resonates with me the most at the moment--thank you for creating this!! ♡♡

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loves1ck 2 months ago

aw thank you everyone! makes me feel good knowing that my adopts and old bgs will be used here on nc! ^_^ ♥

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lovesick ♡ was updated.
2 months ago
softteddypaws 2 months ago

absolutely amazing haul omg that 3 piece couch set is gorgeous ;-;

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strawberryreverie 2 months ago

oooh, i quite like the look of the aged candlesticks over how they were orignally!! it honestly feels wrong for certain items to look too shiny and new.

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pearliasystem 2 months ago

The pieces you found are absolutely beautiful!

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allyratworld 2 months ago

The house tea pot T0T what stunning finds!

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loves1ck 2 months ago

thanks everyone!! ♥

I like your garden page! Did your calathea survive? I have a pretty big one myself!
loves1ck 2 months ago

thank you! she's still alive (surprisingly!!) but hasn't grown much so i wonder if I don't have ideal conditions for it (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)

ratshack 2 months ago

Rainwater is the key for mine, they're definitely fussy about water. I hope she puts on a growth spurt some day!

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lovesick ♡ was updated.
2 months ago
sussuri 2 months ago

i love that hydrangeas change color based on ph of the soil. i once saw some planted in front of job centre in my job and some were pink, some were blue and in the middle... they were like really violet? i love this. unfortunately i only have white ones in my garden but they are beautiful as well

loves1ck 2 months ago

@sussuri isn't it so interesting? i want to read more about it, like what i can do to change the soil ph but im admittedly lazy rn lmao. i don't think i've ever seen white hydrangeas in person (must be bc of where i live) but after a quick google, i see they really are gorgeous!!

softteddypaws 2 months ago

wow this page is soooo lovely <3

loves1ck 2 months ago

@softteddypaws thank you!! ♥

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Just want to say thank you for the old web graphics page, it's been extremely helpful!
loves1ck 2 months ago

you're welcome! ♡ i'm so happy that it's of use to you! ^_^

lovesick ♡ was updated.
2 months ago
loves1ck 2 months ago

also: 100s new backgrounds, gifs, blinkies, etc. over at !! enjoy ♥

inkcaps 2 months ago

Your digital calendar is an adorable idea!! ;o;

loves1ck 2 months ago

thank you sarah!! ♥

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engelsbeginn 2 months ago

Agreeing about the digital planner! Soo cute!

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vivarism 2 months ago

おつかれさん‼︎ your efforts will not go to waste! The digiplanner is so clever too— I esp love the ootd pixels!!

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loves1ck 2 months ago

@engelsbeginn thank you sm!! ♡

loves1ck 2 months ago

@flonne thank youuuu! T>T ♡ the ootds were my favorite part to do! i still want to tweak the page more to make it cuter heh

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strawberryreverie 2 months ago

thank you for such a treasure trove of resouces lapin!! the digital planner is such a cuuute idea, your lactose intolerant shirt made me laugh.

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loves1ck 2 months ago

@arachne thank you!!! that's my favorite pajama shirt LOL

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedAug 25, 2021
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art personal diary ocs