Tried to get the comments to work on the page instead of making people go to my Tumblr, but I have no idea how to make commento work in multiple spots in one page, so right now it's broken. (explodes)
They're still on the Tumblr page instead of directly on this page, but I don't know how I would skip the Tumblr step anyways.
Made my Art Tumblr use my custom theme on mobile (forgot to uncheck that) so the comments should show up on mobile now too
Fixed the drawing of myself and now it resizes right (and stays in the right place) woo hoo
After way too much trial and error, the comments on the front page work right!!!! (explodes)
I also did some code cleanup for my pages
(Ignore the Arcane Aim on the preview you don't see that)
Changed how the front page works, choosing a new rss Feed refreshes the page before loading it because commento++ was freaking out with the other way I had it.