platinumtulip | digital garden sanctuary

2,516 updates
0 tips
hello! your tut for pausing/playing gifs has been SUPER helpful. is it OK if i use the code that's on your homepage for "merging" the two buttons into one? i'm hopeless with js on my own ^-^; i can roughly understand what it's doing but coding it myself is so hard
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solaria 2 months ago

that is absolutely okay!!! I'm glad it was helpful!

i am probably going to rework this site... i'd like to convert it into being more "shrine" focused because i don't really like keeping my art updated on here ^_^; too much of a hassle...
platinumtulip 4 months ago

i have been too busy with other projects to keep this site updated but i don't want to abandon it entirely, so i think reworking it sounds like a better idea to me

ahhhh.....auugghh... i'm alive... i've been so busy with a thousand projects, i haven't had much time to update this site... read my site updates for more info!!
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pixelglade 1 year ago

Cute! Plus I didn't realize you could wrap an audio element in a figure caption to group them together, that's so neat.

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my "Rose Eclipse" color scheme has been updated! i've been working hard on designing it and plan to share themes that use it in the future

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedApr 16, 2018
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writing art personal drawing ocs