halcyon days

349 updates
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SUPER late but I made an ArtFight account! If you also have an account, let me know! I'll do my best to get some attacks in before the event ends! 🫡
alcedonia 2 days ago

Also hiiii! I spent the past 2ish months mostly offline but I'm back! Site update coming soon! I haven't checked neocities in forever, so if you see me interacting with old site updates, that's why!

phantasmagorial 1 day ago

good luck during artfight !!

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halcyon days was updated.
1 month ago
halcyon days was updated.
2 months ago
runjumpreviews 2 months ago

Sounds like hades 2 is definitely gonna be harder for me than the first once I play it, because I totally used the shield (and athena shield dashing) as a crutch in the first game

alcedonia 2 months ago

Haha same! I miss Athena's dash ;w;

1 like
rhenn 2 months ago

Interesting to hear your thoughts on Hades II! I've sunk maybe 20 hours so far? Currently waiting for more content. Personally I've found it easier than the first game; especially after coming back to Hades 1 lol. The new sprint (rather than) mechanics are way stronger than you'd think - if you wanna go unga bunga, I rec Poseidon sprint for a fun time. Some aspects also have healing mechanics which helps a lot.

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alcedonia 2 months ago

Ooh thanks for the advice! I'll definitely give it a try! Yeah, I think I'm underestimating some of the new mechanics. I didn't really use sprint that much, mainly because I kept forgetting it existed lol. I think my main issue is that none of Mel's weapons have clicked with me yet. I started a new save in Hades, and even while weak, I'm having a way easier time with Zag and his weapons

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halcyon days was updated.
2 months ago
halcyon days was updated.
2 months ago
alcedonia 2 months ago

[not an actual update lol, ignore]

i love your site, very cute! i'm a fan of the earth tones and i love your journal setup! <3
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alcedonia 2 months ago

thank you! :D

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halcyon days was updated.
2 months ago
hi i love your webpage, its so calming and nice to look at!
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alcedonia 2 months ago

thank you! :> i had fun looking through your site! i love your ocs page and am excited to see more about them!

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hello i adore your site, it's super cozy<3 also big fan of purrfect tale hehe
thank you for following! :)

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedOct 17, 2022
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