tiger carnival

1,533 updates
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IN LOVE with your site. It treads the border of complex and simple so gingerly ..
OMG yay wowowow you're back! i loved your site so for long ^.^
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dog-house 2 months ago

oh man thanks ;_; your site is so cute I really like it a lot

posting my hangout/home in second life here so yall can visit before i get my SL page set up =w=b
updated my blog!! want to work on the blog layout and iframe that its in as well soon..and woulge love to post more frequently/bigger updates ASAP!!!
bisuko 4 months ago

if you wanna know where i've been: second life ^^b my un is yankibancho, let's be friends in the virtual world! there will be an SL page coming soon 2 my web site >:o3

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ophanimkei 4 months ago

omg sl.. we should play together :3 i've been meaning to revive my second life page

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i adore your scrapbook page! so fun :-) your site feels like a cozy tent in a backyard in early summer!
bisuko 4 months ago

WAH this is one of the cutest compliments i've ever recieved. Q3Q the feeling you describe is so prime too, i love that imagery & it makes me so happy you see my site like that!!!! TT thank you so much!! (clasps ur hands in my paws)

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omggg i hadn't noticed the huge overhaul of the site until now!! i'm so happyyyy q.q you're one of my fave sites! sending love to all ur pigs >3<
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bisuko 4 months ago

also you mentioned black books in your recent journal and AHHAHAH i've never seen another person mention it before. :o3 bernard black legit inspired a whole oc for me i love that show so much.

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caby 4 months ago

aa thanku so much!! ;o; it means a lot to me to hear that! much more to be added hehe

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caby 4 months ago

and yeah! love black books a lot, bernard is an icon,, always awesome when someone recognises it, hehe

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bisuko 5 months ago

i've literally just been cramming manga in my ass lately so if anyone has reccs please lmk O_O right now i'm in a very iyashikei mood but if your fave is a little sad or fucked up that's okay too!!! lemme know :3

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vashti 5 months ago

Yotsuba&! fixes all ills, a salve for the soul.

410 5 months ago

kokou no hito screwed up my brain recently, worth it if you can pull through the first 30 chapters

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Thank you for following! Your little space on the web is phenomenal!
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vashti 5 months ago

Agreed, one of my most favorite sites (๑>◡<๑)

bisuko 5 months ago

WAH thank you so much!!! and ahasdhdhs vashti!!! >< you guys!!! i've been super awol but i saw these messages a couple days ago and have been holding them in my heart since. thank you so much!! Q.Q

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMay 26, 2021
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