10,615 updates
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I'm not leaving Neocities because staying on here isn't any different from how everyone is glued to worse shitholes like Twitter, but feel free to share other free alternative hosts besides Nekoweb/Leprd + have an RSS feed on your new sites so I can continue following.
hardmachine 5 months ago

I had pretty extreme schizo-tier opinions on AI in 2022, but now I've just accepted it as an evil that needs to be regulated instead of gone completely. Drakey wakey already had a Daria-themed AI chatbot for April fool's this year, so I kinda been knew he's okay with AI. As long as our sites aren't going to be scraped by him (not Google, it already does that) I can't really care.

hardmachine 5 months ago

I'm also still on hiatus so ofc I only found this out from checking my feed and seeing people talk about leaving 😭

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helianthus-fields 5 months ago

wait whats going on?

angeleyesprings 5 months ago

@helianthus-fields Some are leaving because of this blog entry

hardmachine 5 months ago

Peoplr just now discovered Kyle Drake's (old) post that's optimistically supportive of AI and jumping ship.

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chantolove 5 months ago

wait, THIS post is what people are talking about? this is like two years old

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mrszenigata 5 months ago

Neocities has felt very odd lately ever since that article resurfaced. Personally, I agree with you that it's something that needs to be regulated, but as much as we try to deny this tech it's always going to exist. I'm going to keep my site here, unless something happens where they implement some kind of code generator onto the platform that was clearly built on the hardwork of the users. (1)

mrszenigata 5 months ago

I am so tired of site owners acting like all user-based content belongs to them. I don't understand why the developers of this technology don't use royalty free or public domain content, anyone can use that! (2)

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gildedware 5 months ago

re:hosts there's Teacake as well!

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hardmachine 5 months ago

My personal 9/11 (joking) was when DeviantART introduced AI and initially had everyone's art opted-in for training, I hope NC never gets evil but that's my personal straw. Drake's a techbro so he's going to have a positive view on AI for other usages besides "art"/writing. I don't love the post but it's an optimistic curiosity than "art theft and deepfakes are cool" bullshit.

hardmachine 5 months ago

Also, I thought Teacake was invite-only? I know one person migrated there by asking, so it can't hurt.

sakana 5 months ago

Oh man, DeviantART... I spent so many years batting for them. It was the only active place on the web that was ACTUALLY optimized for art (I had gripes with artists posting exclusively to social media and forcing me to look at compressed, muddy versions of their art sandwiched between posts that eroded my faith in humanity). I don't like the opinion expressed in the post, but if there are no plans to introduce >

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sakana 5 months ago

< generative AI tools on here, I'll live.

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hardmachine 5 months ago

I haven't been able to type away or code but I have a review 60-70% written. How hard would yall kill me if I finished it despite not being able to beat the last boss?

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hardmachine 5 months ago

*Meowth voice* Dat's right!

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hardmachine 6 months ago

I have two WIPs right now, one can only be posted after I... finish the game... u_u

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hardmachine 6 months ago

I will also change the layout for the links page... One day...

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I saved my 123guestbook entries as an html file, I should probably reupload it here one day...
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hardmachine 6 months ago

Turns out I only saved one page of it!!! I had two total... Damn... Now the oldest stuff is memoryholed.

LOVE THIS SITE, I now know how to make capybara bread 🥹 THAAANK YOU 😭 💕
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hardmachine 6 months ago

Have you tried it? I've never any other photos of a Pãopivara besides the one that was on TV!

tv-r0mii 5 months ago

I haven't tried to make it yet, but I am excited to!! wil totally drop an update when it happens ✨

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hardmachine 6 months ago

This is the shittiest page I ever made (technically wrote it last week and just sat there), but I have a draft in progress and am still focusing on art after work.

dann 6 months ago

Bad page design is the sincerest form of X-E flattery you can do.

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hardmachine 6 months ago

I actually like X-E's old layouts! I didn't realize that I was subconciously inspired by them until I reread some archived reviews.

loves1ck 6 months ago

lolol i know you said its your worst page ever, but this was genuinely helpful to me bc i was curious about the cookies 😂

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hubbardian 6 months ago

The background of the journal page is a good vibes. I didn’t care about it until now because I was reading your articles so earnestly.

hardmachine 6 months ago

I used to change it every month, but I got lazy in August... It's a good background and color combination so I can forgive reusing it.

cabbagesorter 6 months ago

regarding the politics being sports or fandom to people... yes, yes it really does seem that way and it never crossed my mind to say it like that but it's very true lmao

Thank you so much for this!! It breaks my heart how so many beloved petpages are memoryholed for me :(

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CreatedApr 2, 2022
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