caby's abode

395 updates
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Hello! I'm sure this might be an uncomfortable topic (I don't really know??? I'm trying to understand), but I believe you were associated with the Neocities District project? I've seen a few posts about what happened and why it's gone, but I can't really conclude and tie the story with the Somnolescent group (is that correct??? I'm sorry, I'm very confused). Could I get a deep dive into this? thank you :(
site updates are coming, they're just taking longer than anticipated... in the meantime, is anyone on here doing artfight this year? do tell :)
sakana 3 weeks ago

Yeah, though I don't know my degree of participation other than I'm very religious about making sure I revenge people who attack me. I participated in 2022 and hit maybe 20 people while only receiving 2, that kind of killed my morale in 23 and I didn't do it. I'll try again this year but burn myself out less this time and have more realistic expectations.

maphren 3 weeks ago

i am!! my username is Maph, i don't have much free time but i'm suuuper excited for the fight, i've been looking forward to it for months :D

xbleaxhx 3 weeks ago

im taking part! :D

ghostsalt 3 weeks ago

Me too! :D

1 like
everdark 3 weeks ago

i am!! my username is lokkju <3

mooeena 3 weeks ago

yeah! I'm trying to keep my attacks light this year so I can hit more people.

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caby 3 weeks ago

so exciting that so many folks are partaking!! :D my username on there is caby if folks would like to follow me, I'd absolutely love to attack some neocities peeps this year! checking out the profiles of those who have given me usernames here :)

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magnapina 3 weeks ago

I am!!(Same username as on here) So excited for it!!

sorry for the radio silence, btw! I've been busy with uni work (just polished off an essay last night) but I'll hopefully be back real soon! lots I want to add to my site :)
caby 3 months ago

also I have some more cats sat in my email inbox that I will get up on the gallery asap

caby 3 months ago

happy april fools(?) I'm no good with pranks,, everything said here is entirely genuine, lmao

isactuallyabear 3 months ago

I'm perfectly fine with this "prank" hehe. April Fools is overrated anyway. At least in my opinion after seeing a lot of lame "pranks" on this holiday throughout the years. Though I do enjoy the occasional actually good April Fools joke.

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super lovely site ! i love the simple setup... very intriguing :]
caby 4 months ago

thankyou kindly! much more to come :D

caby's abode was updated.
4 months ago
caby 4 months ago

finally got around to pushing this update here, a page explaining how I make my hover images! also, added more cats to the gallery, peek if yours is there >:3

your site is very cute and I had fun reading it ! i especially liked your plushie page! <3 vashti bunyan is awesome btw :-)
caby 4 months ago

thankyou kindly! very glad to hear you enjoyed perusing my site, and good taste! :D

1 like
i love your site caby :-) it's very easy on the eyes
isactuallyabear 4 months ago

Indeed. Very pleasant to look at. Forgot to mention when I made my comment on the site.

caby 4 months ago

bless, thanku!! super glad to hear it, was going for a sort of smooth vibe with it, minimalist,,, I love real vibrant sites but my eyes can't handle it, lol

isactuallyabear 4 months ago

I try to go for a "vibrant, but not eyesearing" look for my website. Something simple and functional but still pleasing to look at. Your website does that effectively, and is giving me ideas for what to do with my own site.

Spaced is such a great show and youโ€™re the first person Iโ€™ve seen talk about it. Anyways, cool site :)
1 like
caby 4 months ago

eyy, spaced is great! awesome when other people recognise it! and thankyou very muchly >:]

caby's abode was updated.
4 months ago
caby 4 months ago

gallery has been opened! stored offsite so that it wouldn't appear as a preview on here,,

caby 4 months ago

accepting new cat images for the foreseeable future, too, so feel free to send me em if you feel inclined

maphren 4 months ago

it turned out so well, i read the manifesto after and i think it's such a cool concept, good luck with getting submissions! :)

ghostsalt 4 months ago

YOOOOOOOOO niiiiiiiiice!! :D

1 like
hardmachine 4 months ago

Yay!! I love seeing everyone's submissions.

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just wanted to say thank you kindly for the response this far to my draw a cat page, I really wasn't expecting it to get so many submissions this quickly! I'm probably not going to have time for a few days to put the gallery together, but rest assured it's in the works. feel free to send a cat if you haven't, also! I'll happily add it to the collection >:]

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedSep 24, 2019
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