
984 updates
0 tips
My kitty baby passed almost a month ago, but I'm not ready to change my bio yet... I was with her from the beginning. A full life of 17 years. I will write more eventually through a blog post.
popisbubbles 11 months ago

I'm so sorry to hear that, sending you lots of strength and love ♥

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pearlnightslair 11 months ago

Take your time, these things are taxing, even in the most peaceful of passings.

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Hey I totally meant to get back to you about goatlings/webkinz.. if you still play the OG webkinz I'd love to add you!! and my goaltings is @phantomblood if you wanna friend me ^-^ I'm semi-active
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lovedentist 1 year ago

Updates include: Mutuals added to the neighborhood. Check out a whole new page about LOVEDENTIST! More info to come soon. Meanwhile, enjoy seeing new fanart updated every week!

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Greetings, fellow neocities citizen. I appreciate your message in my guestbook. I hope to see more of you in this wild west we call an internet. -Yukon
lovedentist 1 year ago

Updates incude: Spot for future blog posts, page of interest, and I redid the entire home page to make it function better. I'm afraid some of the buttons have come alive. I can tell they move when they think I'm not looking...

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lovedentist 1 year ago

Clear your cache!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 27, 2021
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rainbow personal furry art nostalgia