omg ahhh thank you!!! <:3 i love your pixel art and was planning on using one of your 88x31 templates to make a new button!! :D
of course!! i'm a bit quiet socially on neocities recently but i've been lurking :3 i will definitely check out your zine!!! :D
(Honestly this is a great community to lurk in. So much beautiful creativity and no algorithmic incentives to "engage.")
quick morning fix --- woooow i did not realize i didn't have a font-face uploaded to my blog's CSS file - the default comic sans/mv boli/times new roman should now show up as the correct fonts now LOL
"optimized" my code and by "optimize" i mean i got rid of the ridiculously laggy javascript sparkle script i was using.
also added a handful of ppl's site buttons to the 'links out' box on the main page :3
it's a bit of a shabby update, wanted to get a last minute blog entry published. i have plans to work on my code in the coming weeks. thank you for your support!!! happy new year everyone!!!
ofc!! i'm happy to help :-)