thanks ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ i really really like how the elements in your page move when you hover!!
i'm so proud of her, so glad to find other lovers of her music out int he wild :3 <3
ahh thank you!!! :D i always get so giddy when people compliment my website, it means so much to me <3 i'll definitely be checking out your fragrance shrine once you have it up!! :3
They're using the alternative layout defined in the URL, /embed?chat=000 is the default layout, /embed/alternate?chat=000 is the alternate layout with #nameEntry
THANK YOU!!!! :D i'm gonna futz around with that when i get home from work later!!
omg ahhh thank you!!! <:3 i love your pixel art and was planning on using one of your 88x31 templates to make a new button!! :D
thank u!!!!!!!!!!! :D i really need to get back in there and add more info to each of the pages tbh