cabbage sorter

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vashti 5 months ago

I failed my driving test the first time too. I went 33 in a 30 lol. It took me five or six months to get that appt so I get you. Except for 200 euros that's crazy. Here you pay like $10 & get like 3 tries, no mandatory classes.

cabbagesorter 5 months ago

God that's so cheap... I had to do like 40 something classes in total (25 euros each...) not to mention the costs for the health exam, the theory exam and the first aid exam + classes for those. i think we have one of the most expensive licenses compared to an average income

cabbagesorter 5 months ago

and omg 33 in a 30 wow cant believe thats a fail... my examiner was pushing me to do 70kmh in a 50 zone lmao

ongezell 5 months ago

I still drive without a license, I should get one

vashti 5 months ago

No literally. My dad yelled at the examiners right before I took the test so I think that's part of why they failed me ;-; I think the reason it's so cheap here is because there's no public transport & you really can't get around without a car :/ Congrats on the license nonetheless!

cabbagesorter 5 months ago

@ongezell damn that would be near impossible in my region specifically.. were pretty infamous for having too much police on the roads

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cabbagesorter 5 months ago

@vashti ahh they probably took it out on you then, that really sucks. yeah it makes sense, having a license is absolutely a necessity for you!! and thank you :DD

dc-blog 5 months ago

Congrats on the license lol. I'm 14 so cant legally get one, tho i'll probably put it off as long as possible since im not a huge fan of cars in general (driving is a bit fun and ive done it in very small areas, but i dont like the idea of how easily shit can go wrong unlike walking usually).

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cabbagesorter 5 months ago

Thanks!! True, driving a massive vehicle is a scary thought ngl, it also kind of kept me from getting a license at earlier times when I had the money for it technically

loves1ck 6 months ago

moribito is so underrated, it's one of my favorites! balsa is an amazing femc. adding 'all my darling daughters' to my reading list, sounds right up my ally. thanks as always for sharing your thoughts on various media 🙏 i will always trust your taste lmao

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nekonokuni 6 months ago

Seirei no Moribito is sitting on my want to watch list for years now, I think I'll watch it soon now since I've craving more fantasy anime after finishing Lodoss and Slayers (and getting disappointed of them lol Lodoss Eiyuu Kishi Den and Slayers Revolution respectively)

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nekonokuni 6 months ago

Also about a protagonist being over 30, they're making an anime adaptation of Yumi's Cells and the protagonist is 32 (but it's a Korean webtoon, also it was only announced and it didn't even got a poster yet)

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letslearntogether 6 months ago

Oh what?! Yumi Cells anime adaptation? Thank you for the heads up @nekonokuni

cabbagesorter 6 months ago

@loves1ck hell yeah balsa is so based... i hope you enjoy the short manga, the only chapter i found kind of weird was the one with the student/teacher but other than that all of the stories were really interesting, its worth checking out! and thank you for trusting my taste, im feeling like a connoisseur rn..

cabbagesorter 6 months ago

@nekonokuni i totally get you with lodoss, it wasnt really all that for me either (aside from the nice animation), seirei no moribito truly has a great story to go along with everything else.. its a shame it isnt as iconic as slayers/lodoss!

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cabbagesorter 6 months ago

and omg im not huge into webtoons so i never heard of yumis cells, it actually looks cute!! ill definitely watch the anime when it comes out... im usually put off by the webtoon style so i tend to look over the good stuff

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vivarism 6 months ago

i wonder if the rise of "imagined country with multicultural states" setting is a result of globalisation? japan has no shortage of complex feelings about foreigners, diversity, and cultural exchanges, maybe this is their way of processing that or exploring the implications of a less homogenous society

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cabbagesorter 6 months ago

yes i definitely think it is! it's also a very "safe" way of showcasing various (made up but still obviously based on real) cultures because in these settings these districts are always super homogenous anyway and rarely are presented as multicultural. it sure is something that fits in the japanese pov and general sensibilities, great observation honestly, it barely crossed my mind

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ram6y 6 months ago

looks awesome :3

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vivarism 6 months ago

Happy New Year Cabbage!!! I'm excited to see how your designs evolve... break free from these static host chains!!!!!!

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cabbagesorter 6 months ago

Happy new year to you too!!! true.. its time to spread my wings...

letslearntogether 6 months ago

When a site design looks as classy as this, then static or dynamic doesn't matter much anymore.

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cabbagesorter 6 months ago

thank you so much youre too kind!! my main wish atm is to kind of implement components to make it easier to add stuff to my sidebar etc


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