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EEEEEEEE THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING!!! I think your site is so cool!!!!! :3c
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bruisedgh0st 5 months ago

AAAAA OFC OFC !!!! i think you have a fantastic site !!

omg your website is SO amazing !!! tysm for adding my 88x31 uwaaa
bruisedgh0st 5 months ago

of course ! i absolutely love your site as well !! :D

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ninjaweb 5 months ago


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hey hey ! pardon me but is there a way to get the pikring to show up properly onto my site ? it says that i'm not a part of it so i was wondering if perhaps i'm missing something ? thank you very much for your help !
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nickolox 5 months ago

i checked and there seemed to be a small typo in the http part, it's meant to be https but it was just http lol. should be fixed now!

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bruisedgh0st 5 months ago

okay, thank you so much !!

i love ur site design so much!! is it cool if i add ur button to my site?
bruisedgh0st 5 months ago

oh that would be so kind of you ! of course please feel free to and thank you so much i'm glad you're enjoying my site !!

i was just wondering if i could get my site/button linked to my self-insert webring if that's okay !!
koinuko 5 months ago

Hi, sorry if I'm misunderstanding your request but I checked and you're on V1 of the webring (#172) and the link does properly go to your website!! Did you want me to take the link off or have it redirect somewhere else?

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bruisedgh0st 5 months ago

no no that's alright ! maybe i just didn't see it properly so my apologies ! out of curiosity are there any differences between V1 and V2 of the webring ?

koinuko 5 months ago

Yes there are! V1 is still hosted on my website and I update it manually, V2 is hosted on a subdomain and requires members to do a little bit more work but you can update it whenever you want! V2 is here if you're interested but since you're in V1 I can keep editing it for you if you want!

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bruisedgh0st 5 months ago

ah, thank you so much ! would it be possible to sign up for V2 whil still having my V1 version available or can there only be one per person ? i would like to customize the webring to fit my site more but i would hte to bother you with such details and changes constantly !!

koinuko 5 months ago

Yeah you can totally sign up for V2 while having V1! I don't know if the code will work with both on the same page but give it a shot, you can email me if you run into any issues ^_^

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added you to /tomodachi!

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CreatedJun 18, 2021
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