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all my friends planning to make comics this year gets me so damn excited ^ワ^ out in the west looks soooo promising so I really hope you can get to it soon despite the irl obligations! myself im really trying to learn music this year as my resolution, I NEED to get a song out before January is over 😭😭 ALSO HOLY SHIT HOW DID IT TAKE YOU THIS LONG TO HOP ON PERSONA 4 BUT ALSO IM SO GLAD YOU DID THAT GAME IS SO SWEET
Hell yeah😎 Seeing so many of my artist friends beginning to jumpstart their projects this year got me excited. Def cannot wait to see what you have in store relating to kerokero groove and your upcoming music ^.^! YEAH😭I can't believe it took me so long to finally play persona 4! i've been enjoying playing reload as well