2,015 updates
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hey guys.. I'm closing my site off right now because it's really stressful to have up for me. I'll work on it eventually. I'm fixated on different projects right now. hopefully I'll have enough willpower to do this again
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momolover 1 month ago

I have a lot of ideas to execute, which are honestly stressing me out <.<

controlcoreangel 1 month ago

please take care!

1 like
thinking about my website is so frustrating now.. its so messy and barely redeemable at this point but i can't get myself to complete any of my ideas successfully. UGH
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why wasnt i following u before what
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momolover 2 months ago

ACK what!!! O.o I love your site I was looking at it just today!!.. I'm honored..

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controlcoreangel 2 months ago

I LIKE YOUR SITE A LOT!!! i just generally forget to follow ppl lollll

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1 like
oh wow i really love your site, i love all of your art so much.. thank you for following me,it makes me feel cool ..
i thought i was safe but i forgot some of my graphics were in discord.Ugh(facepalm)
momolover 5 months ago

theyre lost...

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jnkyrd 4 months ago

the pain is real

1 like
woowww I LOVE THIS SITE SO MUCH, i love all of the writing. if there will be more added, i'm very excited for it..
andnow 4 months ago

Thank you!

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 22, 2022
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art oldweb personal blog graphics