welcome to mikufan3939's miku hell

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will make one of my css-less webpages available today. Maybe
new personal blog post, it's down and a bit sensitive and mostly made for me and olivia. read if you really want to
mikufan3939 1 week ago

sorry for the lack of actual work done to my site (like my web projects). it's gotten a lot harder to work on it consistently overtime and i've slowly become a more private person then i was last year. i'm doing what i feel most comfortable doing and that's what matters

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komichi 1 week ago

it is really fine! taking time caring of yourself is lot more important than anything, i hope you also feel better soon, i have been really down also but it is the best to have more time for yourself!

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komichi 1 week ago

sorry if i'm repeating myself btw xd

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mikufan3939 1 week ago

thank you :')

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i wanted to make a good pride month post but i lost the ability to do it, so i put a bunch of lgbt videos i like on my blog. it's lazy i know but i have a reason this year. happy reading
mikufan3939 4 weeks ago

fixed links that couldn't open in the iframe, should open in a different tab now

miku expo post is finally done. oh god i am so tired why has the lord forsaken me
what if i wrote a whole essay on vocal synth history.......haha jk...........unless.....?
mikufan3939 1 month ago

it's extremely hard to find culturally accurate history so fandom stuff is a lot harder to gauge beyond basic fandom foundations (let alone ones i can source) but i think i can clutch this somehow. i do have a few other projects to work on so i hope you can wait a little if you are interested

i got very surprised seeing your website here lol. glad you migrated! huge fan of your work
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crusher 1 month ago

Thank you!! Your site is very cute!!

HI. I'M BACK. took me a lot of sleep issues but i made it. i have 2 writing drafts so i hope i can actually finish those lol
komichi 1 month ago

good luck meek C: !!

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mikufan3939 1 month ago

thank youuuu

sorry for the long silence. life is really hard at the moment and i'm just trying to survive, so working on my site isn't in my horizon at the moment. i'm hoping you don't mind me being ia for now
miku is my aunt
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Last updated 17 hours ago
CreatedNov 14, 2022
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vocaloid vocalsynths miku personal