Lilith's Lair

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Heya!! I really like ur site, just one question though, how did you make the NSO shrine :sob:. Im currently in the process of designing one and ur site is my biggest inspo! I dont know how to start with the windows and stuff... (if that made any sense lol)
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lilithdev 2 months ago

Hey!! Thank you so much, your site's pretty. For the NSO shrine it's mostly javascript with even handlers for dragging, and the content are pages displayed in iframes, I do wanna make an open version that could be copied but the one in the shrine is a bit of a mess. While researching the topic before though I saw this template that you could look at! I hope that helps!

chaoticdreamz 2 months ago

Thank you so much :3 i will check it out

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Hi Lilith! I just wanted to check in and ask if the Omori textbox generator is "down"? I was trying to generate a gif/video today and neither of them seem to be working at the second. Also, I hope you are holding up well!!
pearliasystem 2 months ago


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lilithdev 2 months ago

Hiii! I imagine it might be Opera's fault, but there is a bug I've been struggling on for a while which involves using the same portrait twice so that might have been it too, I'm sorry!

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lilithdev 2 months ago

I'm okay, thank you! just need to find motivation again, I hope you are doing well too!

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pearliasystem 2 months ago

I hope you are able to find the motivation soon!!! I was in that state not too long ago and sometimes I slip back into it. ;;

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Your website is so cool!!! I'm adding your button to my page :3
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lilithdev 2 months ago

Thank you so much!! Your website is amazing aswell, I'll add your button too! :3c

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code-cafe 3 months ago

like the music

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pearliasystem 3 months ago

This is really cute, Lilith! I love the status cafe player box.

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lilithdev 3 months ago

Thank you so much, I'm glad you think so! I had the idea to do that for a bit

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vegacollective 3 months ago

Vega approves of doggos. UBWU

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Twitter has been even worse than usual, it's probably better for my health to work on this during my breaks lmao
rhinedottir 3 months ago

definitely take care of yourself! i had to delete the app earlier this year as it's just so draining

softteddypaws 3 months ago

relateable omg

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pearliasystem 3 months ago

twitter is a literal nightmare right now. I cannot bring myself to do more than retweet :/

lilithdev 3 months ago

I just realized I forgot to include a section to explain how to use this with Javascript, it's at the bottom now, sorry

pearliasystem 3 months ago

YO TY FOR THIS !! I was looking through the code and saw there was some kind of hurt method already defined so I thought I'd give it a go for the basilbox I made.

1 like
thanks for your help and also for the really cool omori boxes!! hope you're doing well n staying safe !!
lilithdev 3 months ago

of couse, thank you and i hope the same for you!


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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 5, 2023
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