
635 updates
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I've been thinking about adding a proper blog system as I want to make my website my main place for updates rather than using social media. Right now, I have a simple HTML blog where I just add a new paragraph tag for each post, but I was wondering if there are better alternatives. I could make a special Tumblr and embed it, but it wouldn't feel the same. Also thinking about trying MailChimp for a newsletter system.
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appolinaire 1 year ago

The MailChimp could be for notifications on updates but with special bonus material. idk if I want to use any third party system for blog posts, but my programming is kinda limited to HTML

appolinaire 1 year ago

Anyways feel free to post suggestions, open to hearing y'all out

cl4m0 1 year ago

This doesn't totally 100% fit what you're talking about, I think, but I recently discovered Zonelets while researching doing a blog system. Might be worth taking a look-over?

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJan 1, 2016
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