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hi! best wishes on graduating and the japan trip :) i feel the same about social situations and practice - i've done/said so many embarrassing things, but it happens much less now! also your old bandcamp songs are so cute and entertaining :D
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hazelonline 1 month ago

Oh wow, thank you so much for this thoughtful message! I'm glad you could relate to what I said about practicing socializing! I'm a rlly socially awkward person, but when I think about how I used to be, even a few years ago, I realize that I have gotten a lot more confident overtime! I really enjoyed exploring around your website. Your page on fashion was especially interesting to me, you have a really cool style! :3

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Happy new year everyone :3!
thank you for following!
hazelonline 2 months ago

Thank you, also!! I think your site looks so interesting and I'm really excited to explore it more!

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What a unique website! I really love the ship theme and how creative everything is laid out on your page, from the sitemap to the disc collection, so cool :3 And your art is really nice, too! Thank you for following me!
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sanji 3 months ago

thank you so much!! your site is so fun and cute

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1 like
Super cool website, thank you for the follow! I love Princess Jellyfish and LWA, too! Cool art also :)
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spondulio 3 months ago

Thank you so much! Your site is awesome, and your art style is so cute <3

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It's been a whole entire year, but I really want to update this website again!! I honestly want to redo most of it, my old code is not too well optimized, and that's why I abandoned this project in the fisrt place, despite how passionate I was about it before! hahahaha LOL
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hazelonline 3 months ago

I want to implement more of my own art, too

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Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedAug 4, 2023
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personal blog art diary