10,567 updates
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Your page on One Hot Minute convinced me to the give the album a chance and I wanted to thank you + can't wait to see more music reviews!
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alexnet 1 year ago

Glad you liked it :)

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I use 123guestbook, but in hindsight I'm uncomfortable with how it logs IPs even when I turn off that option :( I was thinking of moving to a different one and saving the messages I already have, are there any decent alternatives?
sofialovesinuyasha 1 year ago

Smartgb guestbooks are very good! :D

cabbagesorter 1 year ago

Smartgb also logs IPs though

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hardmachine 1 year ago

Damn!!! I don't plan on deleting my current one but it seems so many options either do that or require Discord for a webhook + a Google account if you're a subscriber (I'm not anymore).

angeleyesprings 1 year ago

I think there is an HTML Comment box widget you can get for free, but idk if it logs IPs

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hardmachine 1 year ago

I know about that, but it's for subscribers only now since Neocities' security changed :( I might keep up 123guestbook, I tend to ignore the IPs unless I'm getting sent something malicious.

hardmachine 1 year ago

Peak unemployed behavior is spending the last 3 days writing a review on Hazbin Hotel.

hardmachine 1 year ago

When rereading this on my phone before bed I noticed a broken link and some formatting issues, that's fixed now 😭

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I had to cancel being a supporter and I'm cleaning out my images. I'm only deleting things that I just hoarded and am sure I haven't used, but let me know if you find any broken images.
werewolfdaddy 1 year ago

The Neopets Metaverse was a genuinely braindead idea. Cryptobros always find a way to make everything about metaverses for some reason that is absolutely beyond me. :V

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hardmachine 1 year ago

Something I learned when doing research was that technically Jumpstart did that even though Netdragon owned Neopets by then... It was actually their second metaverse attempt and it flopped even harder!!!

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hardmachine 1 year ago

A "harsher in hindsight" moment was on Reddit years ago a cryptobro tried to argue that the energy used by NFTs isn't any worse than what website servers use and got downvoted to the negatives... Now look what AI technology is doing...

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werewolfdaddy 1 year ago

Cryptobros stay losing lol. Really gotta wonder what sort of mental state one has to be in to think that monkey JPEGs are gonna make you millions while wasting electricty.

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hardmachine 1 year ago

I deleted the "Identifying Sparklers" rune because I knew it would never be finished and basically transferred the gist of that elaborate bit to the main page. lol!!!

hardmachine 1 year ago

We made it!!! (lol)

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hardmachine 1 year ago

I replaced the few Twitter links on the Ivy page with Nitter instead, please let me know if they stop working. I can't log into Twitter normally anymore for some reason...

hardmachine 1 year ago

I also just now noticed when testing the layout on my phone there's no back button. Uh... I'll add that later.

strawberryreverie 1 year ago

I love seeing your Ivy shrine grow more and more!!

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hardmachine 1 year ago

One day I will have fanart on it... T_T

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vivarism 1 year ago

i'm also waiting on my itabag stuff to arrive! i hope your delivery is on schedule and that you enjoy this downtime of yours. you dont have to be productive right now. sometimes resting and spending time with the one you love is the best thing for you

cabbagesorter 1 year ago

all things aside, at least you had your health last year ;-; hope you find a good job soon!!

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hardmachine 1 year ago

@vivarism: I literally ordered my itabag and some merch with my second-to-last paycheck but the ita was just a "test bag" and not what I actually need for it T_T so it's on hold + motivation to get re-employed so I can buy one...

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CreatedApr 2, 2022
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