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Hello my love, I know you're on hiatus at the moment, but I wrote a blog post on how to add comment moderation to your (excellent) comment widget and thought it would be helpful to share πŸ’–
virtualobserver 11 months ago

this is incredibly cool and what i was hoping for - i wanted my script to be a jumping off point anyone could add onto. glad you're getting use out of it, thanks for distributing!

moheb-rofail 9 months ago

Great! I did it.

Wrote a blog post on how to add comment moderation to Virtual Observer's comment widget
lostletters 11 months ago

Thank you so much for this! I got a comment yesterday that needed moderation. Luckily, I have google sheets on my phone, so I was able to quickly mod it, but having them under review by default is much better. Really appreciate your work on this!

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fri11s 11 months ago

@lostletters ooft, what timing huh!? Glad you have been able to use it 😁

Thank you for the follow!
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Thank you for the follow Bisha :D
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Thank you for the follow Offline!
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fri11s 11 months ago

Will never understand the activity updates on NC, just added a new webring

sorry for the follow ping, accidentally unfollowed instead of going to your website πŸ€ͺ
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scopefilter 11 months ago

Oh no problem, thanks for re-following.πŸ˜‚

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I'm now a Neocities supporter and have a custom domain! You can now find me at πŸ”₯ My Neocities URL should still work, but you can update any links to my site if you wanna 😁πŸ₯°
inkcaps 11 months ago

Congrats on the custom domain!!

fri11s 11 months ago

<3 thank you! I've had it for a while, but couldn't decide if I should use it as a mirror, go off Neocities or become a supporter. I wrote a blog post today about my developer story and realised I need to support this platform that has brought me so much joy πŸ’–

whiona 11 months ago

Very much agree with the sentiments in this post. I check my Neocities feed more than other social media now because it's just so fun to see everybody's site updates!!

solaria 11 months ago

i also became a supporter just to well, support! I think i could do everying i do now on a free acc, but the fact that neocities is free (without ads!) and so beginner friendly is something i want to support

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scopefilter 11 months ago

Congratulations! I switched hosts recently but still really enjoyed supporting Neocities for the community and platform it is.

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thehoneypot 11 months ago

Great post - I really enjoy reading about how people got into software design/development. I often wonder how different mine would be if I didn't take a job in IT Support. Thanks for reminding me of Bebo too!

fri11s 11 months ago

@thehoneypot yes! Me too! There are so many avenues you can take to get into it, I hope that my post can inspire the younglingsℒ️ to take the hobby seriously too. It can lead to many things.

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Hey pals, I'm updating my links page tonight! If you have linked to me and don't see yourself on this page, drop me a message below and I'll make sure you get added!! πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸŽƒ
divergentrays 11 months ago

Hello! I have linked to you. I have buttons on my page if you'd like to take one for yours.


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