Wasp Nest

3,466 updates
1 tips
Wasp Nest was updated.
9 hours ago
Wasp Nest was updated.
1 week ago
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The site has been updated to reflect that I've moved back to, I'll still put updates here as well though! Also, new theme, but because the styleswitcher is dumb you may have to hard refresh and then click under where it says theme and select one for the themes to actually show up. not sure why but *shrug*
silverheart 1 week ago

why'd you move back, if you want to talk about that? no pressure really, just curious

1 like
punkwasp 1 week ago

silverheart, lots of reasons but mostly just i wanted to use php bc with that i can set it up so that it's much easier to update my site (and do some other cool things). plus i can use databases which are very useful!

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Wasp Nest was updated.
4 weeks ago
punkwasp 4 weeks ago

Oh I didn't realize this had updated what. I committed to the wrong git repository whoops

Wasp Nest was updated.
2 months ago
punkwasp 2 months ago

bc of the layout changes u will probably have to ctrl + f5 or however u hard refresh on ur device to see the new layout properly

Wasp Nest was updated.
3 months ago
Hey, just wanted to let you know that your webring widget for Acing The Internet looks like it's using the placeholder slug, so it won't go anywhere when clicking the links - try replacing "YOURSLUG" in the webring code with your slug (which should be "cobradile")!
1 like
cobradile 1 month ago

Sorry for the late response. I'll fix it!

Hey, just wanted to let you know that your webring widget for Acing The Internet looks like it's using the code for my website instead of yours, so it redirects to the wrong websites when clicking the links - try replacing "punkwasp" in the webring code with your slug (which should be "nickolox")!
1 like
nickolox 3 months ago

ooh! My bad! I'll fix it right away!! >.<

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Last updated 9 hours ago
CreatedJun 17, 2023
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