katrina's site!

1,546 updates
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im still alive…. updating my site is difficult because of tech circumstances but i am indeed alive…..
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happy birthday to my site! as of feb 4 2024 she is 1 year old :D
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psa!!!! please remember to back up your website every month! instagram has been making the story archive inaccessible but we can back up our sites (old web is awesome)
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this is random but i like the noise your site makes when you click stuff! i added it into my own site. sweet site!
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lexiq 6 months ago

thanks!! i also stole it from someone's site lol

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cute site!! very fond of your changelog so i used that as the base to make my changelog! (which i have been putting off for months)
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hmln 6 months ago

aaa i can reply now so HII AND THANK YOU!!! and omg i had fun scrolling through your moodboard especially the image from honkai about balls being bigger I LOVE IT PLEASE oh and i love your 2023 decorated bullet journal plus the photography walk blog w the flowers(?)!!... so pretty <333 amazing graphics you found and got there as well hehe

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Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedFeb 4, 2023
Site Traffic Stats


art blog graphics moodboard pink