scope filter

2,130 updates
0 tips
Updated my portfolio with an Accessible Homepage Design which I did as part of a job application recently.
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I've turned off the automatic redirect but I will continue to provide text updates here. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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scope filter was updated.
2 months ago
scope filter was updated.
3 months ago
Excellent application of dithered photography for the header image. and your interactive "vanitas" has a lot of feeling poured into it, I love the storytelling involved and the simple layouts.
scopefilter 3 months ago

Also I'm following you now, your web design is cool and you seem like a cool person. 🙂

sweetfish 3 months ago

thank you—i'm always a fan of dithered photos! and thanks for checking out vanitas, as well 😊

1 like
scopefilter 3 months ago

I love dithering as well. I hope it's accepted more broadly as a design decision both for its aesthetics and how it can make files so so small when applied correctly.

Hi cecile, thanks for following! I love your site design and thanks for introducing me to sweetfish, they have a great site design as well. Your medieval/gothic style game designs look fantastic!
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haraiva 3 months ago

thank you!

haraiva 3 months ago

also, i never noticed you had commented on my profile ages ago! sorry for accidentally ignoring it... i did watch twin peaks s3 when it came out and really enjoyed it! im due for a rewatch.

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scopefilter 3 months ago

Don't worry about it, Neocities doesn't really have a proper notification system anyhow. I'm glad you enjoyed Twin Peaks!

Did a graphic overhaul of the graphic design services page - looks a lot nicer now, I think.
scope filter was updated.
3 months ago
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Updated my portfolio with my newest client projects, a book cover and book illustrations. Really proud of the work I produced for this! html
Further accessibilty upgrades to fix text alignment across columns, footer text reflow and image sizing on very small devices (<350px) or very large zoom percentages (400-500%), and give artwork titles on the homepage and portfolio a heading level.
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Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedSep 19, 2022
Site Traffic Stats


portfolio illustration accessibility graphicdesign webdesign