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Thanks! I just use the Copy as HTML plugin. So the rest of the code is from the Zonelets template as normal, and I paste my post in each time. Probably there is a better way so if you come across one, let me know!
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Hey just wanted to say thanks. I stumbled across your site (which looks great), which led me to Zonelets...a few hours later and I've completely revamped mine using the same!
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the-woods 2 weeks ago

What plugin do you use to export markdown>html?

the-woods 2 weeks ago

Oops I had a different comment before this and I guess it didn't post. I'm glad to have served as inspiration! Yr blog looks interesting, I recently stumbled on obsidian myself and still just learning how to use it.

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CreatedMay 16, 2024
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obsidian recovery analog fountainpens microblog