The web site of paradisegardener

9,995 updates
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sudden urge to redecorate to a maximalist floral decor, it must be spring
I installed a makeshift sidebar and It's very satisfying to see, but I want to figure out how to do it properly eventually so I can have one on both sides or a multi column layout. At least this will tide me over for a bit.
ohh this is so wonderful. you really nailed it
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love your site!
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starry-knight 1 month ago

hii, thank you! (o´ω`o)ノ

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could anyone point me in the direction of how to size the width of my website to fit on mobile screen? (the easiest way possible)
starry-knight 1 month ago

you could try setting your width to auto. you can also use CSS media queries to change the css at a certain screen size

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paradisegardener 1 month ago

yay that helped thank you!

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starry-knight 1 month ago

nice! glad it worked for you :]

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedMar 11, 2023
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