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the fill for this week!!! trying to get back into it <3
manyface 2 weeks ago

damn, your writing is so intense and clear and… has this arresting presence that demands a reader’s full attention. it’s beautiful and cool!

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ryomakesthings 2 weeks ago

such a powerful piece in its brevity, every single piece of imagery you built is so beautiful and haunting!

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grlrot 2 weeks ago

thank you both so much!!! i often worry that I'm trying to condense too many things into really short texts so I'm really glad it worked!!!!

owlroost 2 weeks ago

"maybe when you're done there won't be enough of you left to feel the loss." is such a powerful line. Agreed that the brevity of this piece adds to the impact- it doesn't have to be long to hit like a truck. Well done.

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3 weeks ago
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mechanisms + mcr fan!!! i love yr site sm, your magnus shrine is so sick and i love yr art style!!!
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alphacentauri 2 weeks ago

thanks so much!! i really like your site's general aesthetic and the blog :D

1 like my fill!! it's short but i was really feeling the format <3
mism4tchedsocks 2 months ago

"i'd wash my hands but the blood keeps coming" yoooo. love this imagery!!

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ryomakesthings 2 months ago

I actually really like how short it is, it's concise! also like the use of biblical references when describing the corporeal and the mundane, though that is something I personally always find beautiful

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manyface 2 months ago

ohhhh i love your writing and the imagery running through it!!! it's so potent and raw!

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hi!! i'd love to join, i've made a page here :D
tehuan 2 months ago

omg yay !! excited to have u :]] would you mind making ur page designated as /muse instead of /writing ? also totally okay to like... put /muse pages under /writing categories & stuff. just trying to maintain continuity as much as possible ! regardless, will add u soon !

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grlrot 2 months ago

it's done!! i had sm fun doing the last 3 prompts, excited for next week's!

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2 months ago
grlrot 2 months ago

facing my fears and adding a writing page <3

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2 months ago
Home was updated.
2 months ago
I really want to start working on my site again!! I need to find new page ideas and treat this like a digital zine. ANDDD write more gig reviews <33
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3 months ago

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CreatedJul 31, 2023
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blog journaling music ttrpgs writing