Just Fluffing Around

4,569 updates
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Super awesome website :D !! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ i'll explore it a bit more soon! ^^
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Thank you so much for following!! <3 I absolutely love your siteโ€™s theme!!
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justfluffingaround 1 week ago

Your site is so pretty and pink! Need to give it a proper look around.

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In other updates, my Winreyplace neocities now has it's first essay up!
justfluffingaround 2 weeks ago

Just added a few buttons to my button wall and a soulbonder blinkie to my Snapshot of Me, nothing special

justfluffingaround 2 weeks ago

Also yay! I've officially reached 180 followers on my site!

thank you for the follow! i love everything about your site (especially your purple theme) :-3 also, just added your button!
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justfluffingaround 3 weeks ago

Thank you so much, hun! I'll add your button to my next update

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Iโ€™m working on a separate site for my munbonding. Itโ€™s a very different style then my scrapbook-esque site here, because it will be more text heavy so I went traditional layout. Itโ€™s looking so comfy. I just need to figure out how to fix the navbar for mobile and then Iโ€™ll push the update live!
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justfluffingaround 4 weeks ago

If yโ€™all want to follow, itโ€™s! Itโ€™s just going to be about my munbond life and a tiny bit of alterhumanity.

justfluffingaround 1 month ago

HUGE update to my resource list! I added tons of links to pretty much every single section, plus there is now a whole new subsection in "Indie Web Resources" (formerly "Web Building", but that section includes more than web building now). I still have links to sort and add, but please go check it out now!

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justfluffingaround 1 month ago

P.S. The New subsection is "Organizing, Writing, and Archiving"

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solaria 1 month ago

omg so many cool resources on your indieweb section!!! thaks for logging them :3

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firozah 1 month ago

one of the best collections of resources! thank you!

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justfluffingaround 4 weeks ago

Thank you guys! I do try my best to curate the best links for my list. It's my favorite part of my website after all. Still more where that comes from!

justfluffingaround 1 month ago

added some more blinkies to my "snapshot of me"; added a new booth for "games"; changed "soulbonds" to "munbonds"

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justfluffingaround 1 month ago

Representation movie page is up! It is still a WIP, but you can see some of the movies I recommend at least!

velvet-boutique 1 month ago

Glad to see you kicking around again -Velvet <3

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letslearntogether 1 month ago

Great resource lists! I need to dig through them more. Thank you so much for sharing!

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I need to tell myself it's okay to update my website with content before I have the aesthetics coded. Or otherwise I will procrastinate forever on doing anything with my website!

Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedApr 5, 2021
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