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- You will no longer see this site in searches.
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Are you sure you want to do this?
are you okay?? what happened? ( if you're comfortable enough telling )
everything's fine i've been like this for years. long term mental illness π just gonna update the site n try to not feel like this for another few hours
im so sorry, i hope you're able to take your mind off of it. sending hugs (if thats ok) <3
sending support!! i hope you feel better soon <3 /gen
make sure to look after yourself ;-;
You have more to live for. My best suggestion is to find some way to keep busy and try to get as much help as you can. You have one of the most supportive communities on the internet by your side.
Like pagespages said, try to keep yourself busy/distracted! That's what I do when my brain decides it's not gonna be nice to me. Sending you a virtual hug, and hoping you feel better soon!
feel better soon <3
Consider if you must but please do not do.