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i DID make a nekowebs account but honestly I feel like people are making a bigger deal about that blog post than. need be. but also I do understand.
mirrorteru 5 months ago

the nekowebs account is basically gonna be like... a mirror I guess for now, what all this mostly did was remind me of it, and hey, something something eggs in a basket

mirrorteru 5 months ago

but also I myself have just kind of become resigned to the fact that AI's gonna be scraping stuff no matter what we do. and whether or not certain protections even WORK seem up in the air. so i'm just. screw it, y'know.

messing with strawpage bc it's kinda fun to do-- but hey, i guess I have kind of a starting thought on what to do with the interests page (for now)
profile template is almost done. at the same time i've got soleil's profile at least........
no profiles or anything are up yet. and i still gotta make the pages for other and the fan stuff. but hey, it's a start
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as a sign of my bouncing from one thing to another, I've started putting together a character database for my characters for this site wheezes. yeah I have the cast list on ConcealedErrors but that's different and specific to that story. this'll basically be a toyhouse backup with Everything
whenever I get to my Vocaloid shrine / place, I'm probably also gonna make a place to mirror DissonantBlueHeart's stuff. Like, it's straight up Vocaloid, so I'm not gonna put it on ConcealedErrors-- but my personal is my personal site with implied fan stuff eventually anyway. So...
heeeyyy. i'm gonna try to participate in Artfight.
mirrorteru 9 months ago

2022 I tried to participate, then got hit by Covid, 2023 i had that Personal Tragedy and couldn't... fingers crossed I can for this year!

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJan 9, 2019
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