782 updates
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hi hello 👋 been a little while , over the past several months i've had a gradual realization that going into detail about interests n such that are very personal to me publicly is not exactly something i am comfortable with i think ? aswell as the fact that i find it hard to consistently work on my site without getting distracted by something else . i love making webpages dedicated to things im passionate about but
lamorte 7 months ago

i guess my brain never fully processed that people will actually see them lol ...... kinda stupid but i am just generally very shy about having any sort of internet presence aside from my friends even if it is very small. my site might become a bit more simplified in the future. nothing drastic but thought id update if anyone noticed me deleting some pages n stuff

lamorte 7 months ago

happy holidays n happy new year though everybody ❄

FUKKIRETA was updated.
7 months ago
FUKKIRETA was updated.
8 months ago
i swear im working on my site i am just also playing a lot of animal jam
where are some codes for a button or whatever for turning off an element and keeping it off on other parts of the site (specificially for a screen effect using body:before)
FUKKIRETA was updated.
9 months ago
thanks for the follow :) i like the colors on this site
1 like
been messing with blender so i can make a few of my own assets for my site while revamping it. 3d modelling was my personal other option aside from html for picking up a new hobby so ermm why not merge the two .. certainly been an adventure learning how to use it
Thanks for the follow. Excited for the revamp!
1 like
lamorte 9 months ago

no problem ! i meant to say earlier but i really love your site and the insane old school feel it has

hey your site is super cool!!!!
lamorte 10 months ago

thank you :) i like yours too

1 like

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedMar 3, 2021
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