Bytemoth's (Astoundingly Effervescent) Brook

916 updates
0 tips
bytemoth 3 years ago

The HTP markup preprocessor is Digital Warlock approved.

bytemoth 3 years ago

Added 38Caution Zone.

After four long years, I've decided to cease being a Supporter. CD5K will continue to exist and slowly be redesigned, but not here; I'm putting something else here. If you dislike change, the pre-April Fools version of the site has been archived at
38cautionzone 3 years ago

Is there any reason?

1 like
bytemoth 3 years ago

My email provider also does DNS and static hosting for less than the cost of Supporter, so I can't justify that expense any longer.

y'ever just have a million tiny little things to do that would go really quickly once you started but ur dumbass brain's just like "what's poppin on youtube tho"
38cautionzone 3 years ago

I think that majority of userbase in Neocities

melodicake 3 years ago

literally all the time lol

rvklein 3 years ago

Be bored, check mastodon, check twitter, check out a half dozen news sites, check chats, be bored, repeat.

i really like your website! there's lots to do and see ^^ i'll def be joining one of those neocities discord servers - it's awesome to see there's a huge and active community there!
1 like
Your unknown rescued adoptable is one of Sebrina's Lunar Dragons:
rainmirage 3 years ago

thank you! i'll add that link to my page <3

What do we do on Website Wednesdays? We make websites! ...j/k i haven't made a website in 3 fuckin years lol
What do we do on Website Wednesdays? We make websites. And this week, BYTEMOTH. ROCKS. Pure HTML4, optional CSS3, no JS, no gimmicks.
dann 4 years ago

Well done

melodicake 4 years ago

looks good!

1 like
rvklein 4 years ago

That's the way to do it. (Even though I like my HTML5 Semantics)

1 like
joppiesaus 4 years ago

another awesome website by bytemoth!!1 impressive

1 like
38cautionzone 4 years ago

Nicely done mate.

1 like
bytemoth 1 year ago

Due to "I'm a cheapass" reasons, will expire some time in March 2023. However, the site viewable there will remain available at

"Nothing to do, might as well hop on the Youtube.. Hm? My what? ..webbed.. site? tf is that, some kinda vegetable?"

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMay 13, 2016
Site Traffic Stats


personal blog computers