Bytemoth's (Astoundingly Effervescent) Brook

1,039 updates
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bytemoth 4 years ago

lms if you forgot to make a new 404 page when you redesigned your site

really great interface, everything flows nice and smoooth
1 like
bytemoth 4 years ago

Only 11/33 pages done but screw it, have a revamp. Refresh yourself in Bytemoth's Brook! This concludes our regularly unscheduled "bytemoth has a website but doesn't update it for a full year" test.

bytemoth 4 years ago

getlinks/homepage.htm: Returned links to 90sgenzkid, tehleroy, jlehr/buttongrid, nostalgic, dann, reagnyan, billsworld, owlman, mace486, scenequeen, arkmsworld, rivendell, districts, and JAUP. Am I missing anyone with one of my buttons on their page? (wink wink nudge nudge)

bytemoth 4 years ago

The HTP markup preprocessor is Digital Warlock approved.

bytemoth 4 years ago

Added 38Caution Zone.

1 like
bytemoth 4 years ago

forgot to upload a css file

After four long years, I've decided to cease being a Supporter. CD5K will continue to exist and slowly be redesigned, but not here; I'm putting something else here. If you dislike change, the pre-April Fools version of the site has been archived at
38cautionzone 4 years ago

Is there any reason?

1 like
bytemoth 4 years ago

My email provider also does DNS and static hosting for less than the cost of Supporter, so I can't justify that expense any longer.

y'ever just have a million tiny little things to do that would go really quickly once you started but ur dumbass brain's just like "what's poppin on youtube tho"
38cautionzone 4 years ago

I think that majority of userbase in Neocities

melodicake 4 years ago

literally all the time lol

rvklein 4 years ago

Be bored, check mastodon, check twitter, check out a half dozen news sites, check chats, be bored, repeat.

i really like your website! there's lots to do and see ^^ i'll def be joining one of those neocities discord servers - it's awesome to see there's a huge and active community there!
1 like
Your unknown rescued adoptable is one of Sebrina's Lunar Dragons:
rainmirage 4 years ago

thank you! i'll add that link to my page <3

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMay 13, 2016
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personal computers blog