
18,873 updates
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AntiKrist was updated.
1 year ago
karithina 1 year ago

I hope things get better soon, change is hard enough without all of life going upside down at the same time. Sending love <3

letslearntogether 1 year ago

Kristin, how did things change so fast? You seemed so excited about Seattle.

1 like
paintkiller 1 year ago

I am sooooo sorry. If you need a vent or chat, please reach out. <3

1 like
arkmsworld 1 year ago

This is an intensely transformative time in your life. Lots of things still clinging to you. Lots of energies in flux. Lots of feelings sorting themselves out. Lots of expectations of your own and other peoples'. RELAX. Trust your initial decision to move to a new place away from the old entanglements. Trust yourself and be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to align and move in your new direction. You will find new

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arkmsworld 1 year ago

friends. You will find new loves, and new interests, and new doors to open. It. Will. Be. Okay.

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CreatedOct 4, 2021
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