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I'm so discouraged about rebuilding my gallery lol I've had to redesign it due to new size restrictions and there's so much work to be done xD is anyone else here a complete masochist as well?
keysklubhouse 3 months ago

I need to figure out a new gallery system for my art because I accidentally killed my previous one when I overhauled the site a while back now, and can't remember where I got it originally to find it again, lol.

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sleepysprout 3 months ago

@keysklubhouse was it a program? I feel like there was one based around van gogh I remember looking into. Does that sound familiar?

lexiq 3 months ago

size restrictions?

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all your navbar links are broken :(
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sleepysprout 4 months ago

My older website's links work currently- the new version I'll be redoing mostly from scratch so they just currently aren't available, I apologize.

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I tried working on my website today and my entire day just fell apart. I want to say I'll try again tomorrow but things are happening now. I'll poke it with a stick in a few days if things calm down.
brin 4 months ago

Days falling apart and not going as planned is a part of life. Doesn't mean anything is wrong. You'll feel better another day :)

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Just a little heads up. I've been so busy all day that I feel like I've mentally crashed. I'll try again tomorrow to work on this baby. I hope everyone is having a lovely day. Thank you for sticking around and being patient :)
I plan to start uploading the work I have so far today. Please bare with me, there will be quite a bit of spam. Nothing will be finished but the barebones will be there.

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedApr 19, 2021
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