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I think I cooked with these page designs tbh
that alex g band video is my fav thing ever
yess its so funny <3
yapping about movies + new shrine section
Added a bunch of oc art + a deranged journal entry about why i hate celebrity worshippers
updated a bunch of my oc pages :P still a work in progress though
this looks so cool omg
this might be my magnum opus ngl
can you tell i'm unemployed..
so cute oh my gawd.....
Thanks ^^
Just got a Things To Do lyric on the lyric generator awesome awesome song very happy
i really need to redo my oc pages completely but its so much work @_@
more depressing yapping but also sme updates :D
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I think I cooked with these page designs tbh
that alex g band video is my fav thing ever
yess its so funny <3