The Satyrs’ Forest 🍇

19,930 updates
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I get that tagging languages is important for accessibility and such, but whenever I set lang="grc" for something, I do always wonder who on *earth* is equipped with a screen reader that supports Ancient Greek
satyrwoud 2 years ago

Added a terribly silly little detail — the subtitles on the English version of the page now look like BBC subtitles, and the subtitles on the Dutch version now look like NPO subtitles :-)

“A Christmas Carol” has been added to the Codex — in part to test how the format might look for an entire book, but mostly just because it’s a lovely little read at any time of year. :-)
satyrwoud 2 years ago

(You may need to Ctrl+F5 to get the CSS to work properly…)

satyrwoud 2 years ago

Updated the 88×31 button to reflect the name change

New year, new me, new site name. Welcome, one and all, to The Satyrs’ Forest! (Presence of satyrs not guaranteed.)
Thanks for the follow and hello! Funnily, I also live in the north of England and just last night had a conversation along the lines of "should we move somewhere else like the Netherlands" : )
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HAPPY [Gregorian] NEW YEAR!!! 2021 was better than 2020, so let’s all hope 2022 doesn’t totally fuck up that positive trend, eh?
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satyrwoud 2 years ago

The magic of *video*! The audio seems to be borked on browsers other than Firefox for.. some reason, but hey, that’s why subtitles were invented.

freaksaint 2 years ago

i love the inclusion of the little transcript dropdown tab! out of curiosity, did you host the vid thru neocities or elsewhere?

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satyrwoud 2 years ago

My site isn’t hosted on Neocities anymore — it’s actually with the UK-based hosting provider Krystal, but a quirk of Neocities’ slightly broken unsubscribe function lets me keep updating here and having it automatically redirect to :-)

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Funnily enough, though I've tried every text editor or "distraction-free" writing app in town, I’ve found that the best way to get a blog post or wall of text down is to just crack open a notebook, get out the black pen, and start writing, copying it down onto The Computer Box later.
satyrwoud 2 years ago

I suspect it's because there's no backspace button; every time i write on a computer i just revise and revise over and over again until the paragraph is completely devoid of personality


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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedAug 14, 2017
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