Toxic Sewer

380 updates
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toxicsewer 4 years ago

reset the halloween countdown. sorry i haven't been active, irl stuff :( and, happy late halloween

forgot to announce it yesterday but the about page is up now. feel free to laugh at my life story
Hey, thanks for the follow (however you found my sad little site, lol). I appreciate the simplicity yet stylishness of your site. Gives me some inspiration as an HTML newbie myself!
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hey everyone thanks for the new follows! i've been pretty busy the last few days but i'll make an about page once i'm back :-)
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thx :-)
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bluef00t 4 years ago

I like your site! Bogleech has been my favorite indie site for a long while and you've got a similar thing going on that I like

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Website Stats

Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedJun 21, 2020
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halloween videogames movies recommendations horror